Busy, Busy, BUSY!

So yeah, I've already wrote a post today but I have much to update y'all on already! Unfortunately a lot of it has to do with being in the doctors, since poor Olivia had to go in today for her first ear infection this afternoon. She was pretty rotten over the last few days, so it kinda makes sense now that I know she's been in pain, the poor baby :( Her doctor was booked full today, so we were able to see another one in his same practice and we absolutely loved her. Even through her pain, Olivia was so cooperative for this new lady, didn't mind any of the poking or prodding and was just so damned polite that I couldn't help but beam with pride that she was mine. She got prescribed an antibiotic and should be better very soon thankfully, I'm ready to have my happy baby back! We ran into Aaron and Theresa, O's godparents, while we were there and they waited with us before she went back which I was very thankful for, Aaron has a way with Olivia and kept her more calm than I could at the time which was much appreciated.

After her appointment, Jim had yet another interview at a place closer to home which would be another huge blessing for our family. He really wants to add a day job rather than trading off the one he has now, but being that they're both over-nighters, he'd have to pick and choose and this opportunity would definitely be more beneficial if all works out. This new job would only be about 5 minutes from our new house and would be less strenuous than the custodial work he does currently so fingers crossed! He looked so handsome heading down for his interview, those dimples of his still give me butterflies and I'm not ashamed to say that I blush every time he flashes me that smile I feel in love with so long ago!!

I was about 24 weeks here & Olivia was trying to eat my belly!
His interview just barely gave us time to make it back to my own doctors appointment to check out little miss 'elephant.' My doctor finally got on my about my weight gain, saying that if the baby wasn't measuring as big as she was that he'd be upset with me only being up five pounds. We scheduled an in depth ultrasound for next week to go over everything from the placenta, to her growth and all that fun stuff and if for any reason she isn't measuring properly, we will take the necessary steps to make sure she's got the best start possible. I'm super excited since I wasn't thinking I was going to be getting another U/S, but my doctor is just wonderful and wants to help my anxiety so he set it up without a problem. He wants me to gain 10-15 more pounds before the baby is born, that seems insane to me since I'm so close to her being here but who knows, I'm always hungry so maybe these last few weeks I'll balloon out to a point he's happy with. I am hoping to keep all the ballooning in the belly region though as I'd reallllly like my maternity pictures to not have my usual fatty face smiling like a fool haha. I got so swollen with O near the end, so I'd better do it soon to avoid that from happening.

We also reconfirmed the c-section date for January 13th and talked about the maternity center that I will be delivering at. This is going to be a brand new facility, I'll literally be one of the first women to have a child there and they're trying to make it a top of the line ward that people will be just as excited to visit as the hospital downtown in Boise that is and will probably always be “the” place to go. This new facility is supposed to have massage therapists to help with the after surgery gas pains that often come with c-sections, they'll have fabulous meals (and WINE?!) for your “after baby” meal and are going above and beyond with the actual birthing process, especially when it comes to delivering via Cesarian. The only part I didn't enjoy about my last section was being kept away from little Livia while I was being sewn up and till I could wiggle my toes in recovery. Here, I'll be able to stay with the baby (assuming there are zero issues she'd need to be taken away for) and be wheeled up to recover together. That alone has made this hospital choice a no-brainer, I want and neeeeed that initial bonding time with my littlest love :)

Soooo with no smooth transition whatsoever, I think that will just be all for my little update today! Just keep on counting down with me, we're only FORTY ONE DAYS AWAY!!